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icon_widget_image Khansaheb Industries LLC Plot No. TP070609, National Industries Park, PO Box 13, Dubai UAE, Makani Number 0260458446 icon_widget_image +(971) 4 880 6605 icon_widget_image sales.spiralite@khansahebindustries.ae

Spiralite Ductwork

Khansaheb Industries announces launch of BIM library of Spiralite objects (using Revit)

Khansaheb Industries is pleased to announce that the complete Revit library for Spiralite Flat Oval and Circular Non-Metallic Ductwork is ready to access. This will enable the Architects, Designers and MEP Consultants to design projects with Flat Oval and Circular ductwork.
Khansaheb’s Spiralite HVAC ductwork is innovative and unique, assists with the delivery of clean air, thus improve the IAQ, generating significant energy savings in the operation of the AC, reducing the carbon footprint of the building and optimising the IEQ of the built environment.

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