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Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, or would like further information about Spiralite Ductwork.

icon_widget_image Khansaheb Industries LLC Plot No. TP070609, National Industries Park, PO Box 13, Dubai UAE, Makani Number 0260458446 icon_widget_image +(971) 4 880 6605 icon_widget_image [email protected]
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Saves weight

Up to 85% lighter than metal ductwork plus insulation.

Saves time

Quick and easy installation with only one fit only for both the ductwork and the installation.

Saves space

Smallest possible ductwork for given airflow, no extra space required for the insulation.

Saves costs


Installed cost should be less expensive than the metal plus equivalent insulation alternative; potential to reduce capacity and cost of AHU’s and other plant due to increased airflow efficiencies.


Savings from the operation of the AC system, including energy, cleaning and maintenance.

  • Offsite fabrication improves quality and reduces waste.
  • Quicker and easier delivery to site and manual handling.
  • Optimal fire properties for a standard insulation material.
  • Optimal thermal properties for a standard insulation material.
  • Enhanced acoustic performance.
  • Quick and easy variations and repairs.
  • Quick and easy defect rectifications.
  • Less accumulation and adherence of dirt; easier to clean and less regular cleaning required.
  • Optimal airflow performance from rounded shape, airtightness, pressure resistance, lower static friction and pressure drops.
  • Internal connections and built-in vapour barriers allow no thermal bridging and condensation.
  • Phenolic insulation is >90% closed cell and non-porous, so negligible degradation from moisture.
  • Chemically resistance to chlorine and sodium chloride and all other common chemicals, so ideal for swimming pool and maritime environments.
  • Significant health and safety advantages – no sharp edges, inert materials, no VOCs, no hot cutting, no heavy lifting, easy working at height, etc.

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